Your new device is ready to be installed.
Due to our easy self-service installation process you are able to do that on your own. Our installation guide supports you during the installation process and guides you through the following 7 steps:
Usually the installation process takes up to 30 minutes. In some cases this time extends, depending on you internet connection and how much data has to be transferred.
In order to be ready and start right away, you can prepare and equip yourself with the following stuff:
Are you ready?
Let’s start with step 1.
We describe exporting bookmarks form the following two browsers:
1.1 Google Chrome
1.2 Microsoft Edge
Your browser is not listed? Just start a quick google search „export bookmarks +browser name“. There you will find good guides for every browser type. You don’t want to export bookmarks or data or you do not have an old company device? Then you can continue with step 3.
You have 2 possibilites to save your data locally.
2.1 Save with OneDrive for Business
2.2 Save on USB-Stick/external storage
In this step your new device will be provided with important settings, apps and software.
Now we are ready to transfer our saved data on to our new device. Depending on your choice in step 2 please continue with:
4.1 Transfer from OneDrive for Business
4.2 Transfer from USB-Stick/external storage
In order to restore your saved data, there has to be a connection to OneDrive. This happens automatically. You can check, if synchonization is done by clicking the yellow folder in the bar at the bottom of your screen. Your OneDrive should be desplayed in the left menubar of your file explorer.
Connect your data storage, where you just saved your data, with your new device. Copy all your data on your new device.
Individual software, which is needed to work productively, can be installed via the app „Company Portal“. There you can find an overview of apps, which are already installed on your device and apps, which are available for download.
If you don’t find an app, please contact your support team.
Now we transfer the in step 1 exported bookmarks on your new device.
We explain the following browsers:
6.1 Google Chrome
6.2 Microsoft Edge
Your browser is not listed? Just start a quick google search „import bookmarks +browser name“. There you will find good guides for every browser type.
Your new device is now ready to rumble. From now on you work like a digital leader.
Have fun!
Please let us and your network know, how you successfully set up your own device by using the hashtag #worklikeadigitalleader on Social Media.
You have optimization ideas?
Write your feedback to your ADLON support Team.
You’ve got difficulties setting up your device?
You need additional apps but they don’t show up in the company portal?
We are happy to help!
ADLON Intelligent Solutions GmbH
Albersfelder Straße 30
88213 Ravensburg
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